Parents and Students

Welcome parents and students! Below is a list of resources provided by Pacific Christian Academy for your convenience. Whether you need to check what's for lunch this month or need to pay any Sports fees, you can refer to this page to get you where you need to go.

Absent Student

Absent Student

For planned absence, please fill out our absent student form.

Academic Counseling

Academic Counseling

Student-centered and goal-driven counseling to develop educational plans.

Academic Calendar

Academic Calendar

Check out what events are coming up for the school year.

College Corner

College Corner

A compilation of resources to help you and your student(s) plan for higher education.

Payment Portals

Payment Portals

Pay tuition, student fees, athletic fees, lunch, and more.

PTA and Volunteer

PTA and Volunteer

Stay conneted! Join Pacific Christian Academy's Parent-Teacher Association.

Medical Authorization Form

Medical Authorization Form

Fill out form if student requires medication