Adventure Club

Before and After School Program

We understand the challenges of working parents. Our goal is to partner with you to meet the needs of your family. Adventure Club is designed to provide extended learning and activities from 6:30 am—7:30 am and 3:00 pm—6:00 pm. At this time we do not offer activities during school closures or holiday breaks. To view our closures please see our Academic Calendar.

Each day will give your students, Preschool –6th grade, a place to work on homework, and fellowship with friends while being in a safe, fun, and enriching environment.

REGISTER-   Adventure Club 2024/2025 Contract

Time Number of Days Tuition Per Month
A.M. Care Only Option 1- 4-5 days per week $175
Option 2-3 days per week $140
Option 3- 2 days per week $110
P.M. Care Only Option 4- 4-5 days per week $285
Option 5- 3 days per week $190
Option 6- 2 days per week $150
Both A.M. and P.M. Care Option 7- 4-5 days per week $400
Option 8- 3 days per week $250
Option 9- 2 days per week $190

Option 10

Drop-In rate

$13.50 per hour- Kindergarten-6th

$14.00 per hour- 7th-12th Study Hall

Half Day Dismissal: No additional fees will be charged for students enrolled in adventure club.

Late Fees

$2.00 per minute after 6:00pm will be charged. (Subject to change)

Sibling Discount: 10% for each additional sibling.


PCA Sample Menu 2022