College Corner


Resources for parents and students

Pacific Christian Academy is proud to provide a large collection of resources for our high school students.  Many are college-bound, but some will spend a year serving others or working prior to attending college.  We believe God directs each of our students “in the way they should go,” and we support our students with resources to help them discern God’s calling on their lives.

College Fairs Dates

Many college fairs have moved to a virtual platform.  However, we encourage our students to consider Christian universities by attending an in-person event. Students enjoy the opportunity to meet with college and university representatives to learn about the programs available during regular lunch.

The ACT and SAT

The ACT and SAT are standardized tests used by schools nationwide to assess a student's college readiness. Each test is offered several times throughout the year; generally, one must be taken before a student begins the college or university application process. Some colleges and universities are waiving the SAT/ACT requirement. Students need to check with their desired institution to be sure they are prepared to meet the requirements.

University Scholarships

Each year, information about scholarships is made available to our students, and it is not unusual for most to qualify for significant awards, making university a reality. By providing tools to make this possible, we hope to inspire and encourage students as they move into their bright futures!