
Pacific Christian Academy

Our elementary teachers are passionate about watching students learn!  A quality academic program with a strong biblical foundation can be expected in every classroom. Students develop a strong relationship with God through daily Bible lessons, scripture memorization, daily praise and worship, and weekly chapels.

Students in the primary grades (K-3) receive a strong phonetic-based language arts program using Abeka and BJU Press Curriculum. Students in the intermediate grades (4-6) utilize the BJU Press Curriculum, which includes strong reading, writing, and language arts instruction. A firm foundation in mathematics, social studies, and science, taught with a biblical perspective, prepares our students for academic success. Beginning in kindergarten, students receive instruction in technology. To develop creativity and leadership skills, students participate in general music, instrumental and vocal music, and art. The physical health and strength of our students is developed through PE.

At the appropriate grade level and on alternate years, students develop and express their academic skills and understanding as they participate in Science Fair, Art Shows, Math Contests, Accelerated Reader, Spelling Bee, School Concerts, and more.

We encourage our parents and grandparents to be involved in all events and activities, such as providing playground supervision, chaperoning field trips, ministry outreach, field day, the AR picnic, lunchroom duty, and PTA opportunities.

Grades and Curriculum



Watch us learn and grow!

Kindergarten is an action packed year of growing physically, mentally, socially, and academically! By the end of the year, students will typically read above kindergarten level, write in print and cursive, be able to tell time and know math facts. Additionally, each kindergartner will recite the Kindergarten Creed, always a highlight at the kindergarten graduation. Parents are amazed at how much their child has learned in just one year!

The exciting field trip for the year is to Remlinger Farm. The students have fun on the train, looking at pumpkins, exploring the many activities, and hanging out with their parents, teachers, and classmates.

K page

Want to help your Kindergartner?

Check out these great Blend Ladders.


Kindergarten Curriculum

Course Description
BibleBible Purposeful Design
WritingA Beka: Writing with Phonics K5; K5 Writing Tablet
Social StudiesA Beka: Social Studies K
MathA Beka: Number Skills K; Number Writing Tablet K
ScienceA Beka: God's World K
SkillsA Beka: Think & Learn K5
WritingA Beka: Writing with Phonics K (Cursive)
PhonicsA Beka: Letters & Sounds K; My Blend and Word Book; Miniature Alphabet Cards
ReadingAbeka: Individual Readers; Various Novels

Kindergarten Enrichment

Vocal Music
P. E.
1st Grade

1st Grade

First grade is a big transition year! Lots of teeth are lost, students grow in inches and in knowledge, and reading skills improve dramatically! A lot of “firsts” in first grade! We start each day with Bible Time. Here we meet Jesus through Bible stories, praise and worship, sharing prayer requests, and Bible memorization.

Throughout the year, students enjoy learning in and outside the classroom.

Inside the classroom, students learn math, phonics, language, writing, history, science and art using the A Beka curriculum. First graders also enjoy PE, music, technology, and library with specialists each week. As first graders, they will get to experience different types of journaling, weekly shown-n- tells, and so many more fun activities.

1st Grade Curriculum

Course Description
BibleACSI: Purposeful Design
LanguageA Beka: Letters and Sounds 1
HistoryBJU Press: Heritage Studies: Family & Community
MathA Beka: Arithmetic 1
ScienceBJU Press Science 1
WritingA Beka: Writing with Phonics 1 (Cursive)
ReadingAbeka: Individual Readers; Various Novels

1st Grade Enrichment

Vocal Music
P. E.

First Graders will experience field trips such as:

Note: We rotate year to year, and usually take two off campus field trips each year.

NW Trek

Pacific Science Center

Pumpkin Patch

Saltwater State Park

2nd Grade

2nd Grade

PCA second graders read independently, think critically, and enjoy more complicated math!  They learn about their communities and government and explore scientific questions.  Second graders love to ask and answer questions and are able to memorize more facts about God's amazing world. 

There are so many exciting things to see, do and learn in 2nd grade at PCA!

2nd Grade Curriculum

Course Description
BibleACSI: Purposeful Design
LanguageA Beka: Phonics & Language
HistoryBJU Press: Community & Government
MathA Beka: Arithmetic 2
ScienceBJU Press: Science 2
SpellingAbeka: Spelling and Poetry 2
HealthAbeka: Health, Safety & Manners 2
ReadingVarious Novels

2nd Grade Enrichment

Vocal Music
P. E.

Students will participate in things such as.....


Making a dinosaur skeleton.


Learning how our body works.


Studying animal habitats and make a shoe box habitat project.

3rd Grade

3rd Grade


One of the things that sets 3rd grade apart from the earlier grades is rather than learning to read, they are now reading to learn.

Third grade reinforces everything students have learned in the lower grades and prepares them for what they will be learning in the upper grades.

Students participate in field trips, often to the Children’s Museum in Seattle (a place where school curriculum comes to life), and the Arboretum (an outdoor, hands-on science classroom for students).

Days are packed full of Reading, English (Language Arts and Writing), Math, History, Science (which includes a few experiments) and Health, as well as Music, P.E., Library, and Tech.

3rd Grade Curriculum

Course Description
BibleACSI: Purposeful Design
Language ArtsBJU Press: English3: Writing and Grammar
HistoryBJU Press: Heritage Studies
MathA Beka: Arithmetic 3
ScienceBJU Press: Science 3
SpellingBJU Press: Spelling 3
HealthAbeka: Health, Safety & Manners 3
ReadingVarious Novels

3rd Grade Enrichment

Vocal Music
P. E.
4th Grade

4th Grade

The 4th grade is a significant “learning” year, in academic personal growth as well as academics. Students learn more about cultivating a relationship with God, and each other. Every subject area in the 4th grade is studied with a Christian worldview.

Students learn all of the books of the Bible and how each book reveals about God’s plan. Each students learns to personalize God’s Word and apply it in their lives. They learn to hide God’s Word in their hearts by learning weekly Bible scriptures and the entire chapter of Isaiah 53. Prayer for others, our country, and the world occurs daily. It is an exciting year of spiritual growth!

Fourth graders learn the importance of outreach to their school and community through various opportunities. PCA partners with World Vision to sponsor 23 children in Kalapata, Kenya. The 4th graders pray fervently and send encouragement letters and donate financial support to a fund so our sponsor child will have school supplies, fresh water to drink, and food. Fourth graders also gather new socks for their “Sock-tober” drive. The socks are then donated to a local shelter in the Federal Way community. Additionally, each 4th grade student communicates support to our military by writing letters and cards.

The level of expectation upon the student is increased as well as the critical thinking skills required for learning. Students use higher learning techniques for increased success in vocabulary, comprehension, and critical reading skills. They push themselves to pass quizzes and achieve goals in Accelerated Reader, which helps to increase their independent reading skills. In English class, the 4th graders learn how to write descriptive sentences and then put them into paragraphs. Good writing practice occurs in all areas including narrative, persuasive, journal, and report writing. Students also work on penmanship as we write to be understood.

In Math and Science, students learn to interpret data using all math operations and critical math skills. An online Math curriculum that can be accessed from home affords extra practice and understanding. Students practice the main operations to work at an increased pace for good foundational knowledge and higher conceptual learning. 

4th graders are challenged to study God’s world in each main area: physical, chemical, conservation, and life sciences. The students learn the scientific process and showcase that learning with a science project, and other meaningful activities.

One highlight from the 4th grade are the Washington state PowerPoint presentations created by each student. We explore the United States, learning all about the regions and each state the first half of the year. The second semester focuses on studying Washington State. The year ends with each student creating a 15-20 slide PowerPoint on Washington State.  The field trip to the state capital during the spring puts meaning to all that has been learned.

4th graders learn what it is like to be a responsible learner and how to take challenges and turn them into victories.

4th grade is truly an inspirational year in the life of a PCA student!​

4rd Grade Curriculum

Course Description
BibleDeep Roots: Bible 4
EnglishBJU Press: English 4
HistoryGibbs Smith: Washington, Our Home
BJU Press: Heritage Studies 4
MathMcGraw Hill: My Math Vol 1 & 2
ScienceBJU Press: Sceince 4
SpellingSpelling 4
ReadingVarious Novels

4rd Grade Enrichment

Vocal Music
P. E.
5th Grade

5th Grade

Fifth grade!  Students are maturing in their understanding of their faith and in how to defend the Bible and their decisions to follow what God says.   Increased responsibilities and privileges make 5th grade challenging and fun; many important lessons are learned as students practice leadership within their classroom community. 

Writing skills are a focus, and reading comprehension is refined. Science experiments and projects allow deeper exploration of hypothesis and greater opportunities for critical thinking.

5th Grade Curriculum

Course Description
BibleDeep Roots
EnglishBJU Press: English Writing and Grammar
HistoryBJU Press: Heritage Studies 5
MathMcGraw Hill: My Math Vol 1 & 2
ScienceBJU Press: Science 5
HealthAbeka: Enjoying Good Health
SpellingBJU Press: Spelling 5
ReadingBJU Press: Reading 5; Various Novels

5th Grade Enrichment

Vocal or Instrumental Music
P. E.

Fun 5th Grade Highlights:



BizTown is one of the highlights! Fifth graders prepare to spend a day in Biz Town in the spring, learning about running a business and how simple economics works.

6th Grade

6th Grade

The 6th grade has been specifically designed to be a year of transition, as students look forward to junior high next year. Students experience more freedoms, and they are also given more responsibilities.  The teacher focuses on preparation for a smooth transition, giving students an education that looks more and more similar to a day in junior high.

Science is taught through experimentation and hands on projects.  History includes reading and understanding of original documents.  Students learn to work collaboratively and develop clear communication skills.   

The Expected Student Outcomes list the goals we have for each 6th grader as they move into junior high.

Transitional 6th grade includes:

  • High expectations in conduct and academics
  • Training in note-taking and test preparation
  • Leadership curriculum which encourages positive student impact on elementary students​
  • Lockers, generally at the beginning of the 2nd semester
  • Enrichment choices: choir or band
  • 5 minute "breaks" between classes
  • Training in time management
  • Grading which becomes more like junior high during 2nd semester

6th Grade Curriculum

Course Description
BibleDeep Roots
EnglishBJU Press: English 6
Social StudiesBJU Press: Heritage Studies
MathMcGraw Hill: Math Course 1: Vol 1 & 2
ScienceBJU Press: Science 6

6th Grade Enrichment

Vocal & Instrumental Music

6th Grade Highlights

safety patrol

Volunteer Safety Patrol

6th graders have the opportunity to volunteer for Safety Patrol before and after school.